It's a good week to be a dad, I guess. Both Brittany and I lost to our father-in-laws, giving them control of 1st and 2nd place, while Colton picked up another surprising win to move into playoff position for the first time this season. And just like that, we're halfway through the regular season; lets take a look at our playoff picture currently. B Y E W E E K B O Y Z (Greg, Zane): First and second place in the regular season earn a bye week for the first round of the playoffs, and currently Zane and Greg hold these positions. The interesting thing here is that total points decide tiebreakers, and teams 3 and 4 both have higher totals than 1 and 2, allowing them to jump these teams without necessarily having better records. For now though, these guys are the top of the mountain. Contenders (Perezoso, Chunky Salsa, Travis) : Sporting records of 4-3, these teams have all put a 2 game gap between themselves and the final playoff spot, making them somewhat safe for the t...
Champions: Brown is the new Black (2015) Chunky Salsa (2017) NB Power (2018)